Jan 212017
Review: Sliquid Swirl Flavored Lubes

My mouth is a lot like my vagina – dry as the Mojave desert. I’ve preached from the rooftop about the benefits of using lube for vaginal and anal sex but never really mentioned how awesome lube is for blowjobs. That’s probably because I never actually tried it before. My mouth is so dry most of the time that I can’t give a good, sloppy, …Read more

Dec 262016
Review: Fleshlight on a Mission by Liberator

Having just reviewed the Tenga Flip 0 the one thing that I thought was missing while using a stroker was the ability to have it secured so that the hands were totally removed from the equation. I’ve owned the Fleshlight STU for a few years but as good as it is, it’s still technically masturbation. All the different ways of trying to secure the Fleshlight …Read more

Dec 192016
Review: Womanizer Pro W500 - A Different Perspective

I previously reviewed the Womanizer Pro W500 and despite the awful name and gaudy looks, I did enjoy it. But after a short while, it just sat in a drawer collecting dust. I have many other toys that I prefer to play with. I saw some #TeamAmazeballs folks talking on Twitter and someone mentioned the Womanizer. @AfterrDarkk chimed in that she’d really love to try it but …Read more

Dec 122016
Loved and Loathed 2016

Since my libido hit the wall and went missing in action (and still hasn’t returned) around the middle of the year, I didn’t review as much as I have in years past. But there were still enough reviews to put together this list of best and worst. As luck would have it, with my ability to review compromised, dizzyguy decided he would like to start …Read more

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Nov 062016
Review: Tenga Flip 0

My previous experience with a stroker has been with the Fleshlight Pink Lady STU. Make no mistake about it, the Tenga Flip 0 (Zero) is a stroker to its core. There are no mock porn star vulvas, just a circular opening. I’m not doing a head to head battle with the Fleshlight, I’m just going to draw a few comparisons because men who use strokers, …Read more