Je Joue

Review: Je Joue MiMi

Review: Je Joue MiMi

I know, I know… I sound like a broken record but I love the Je Joue Uma. When I got the Uma, all I could think about was having two of them so I could use them both for dual stimulation. But since I’d already reviewed the Uma, I figured I should try something new so, the next logical step seemed to be getting the …Read more

Review: Je Joue G-Kii

Review: Je Joue G-Kii

Dear Je Joue, I don’t know how you do it but it seems like you make vibrators meant just for me. I fell instantly in love with the Uma and it’s one of the few sex toys that made me wish I had another one just like it. Why in the world would I want 2 of the same vibrator? As a backup, maybe? Well, …Read more

Review: Je Joue Uma

Review: Je Joue Uma

What I’m about to say borders on the blasphemous. I never expected the Je Joue Uma to virtually usurp two of my favorite vibrators. In fact, I’m still trying to come to terms with it but I think I love the Uma more than my We-Vibe Tango and LELO Mona 2. I’ll wait and give you a moment for that to sink in. How in …Read more