Sensual Intelligence

Every item on our site meets our eco-friendly and body-safe criteria. The toys are phthalates-free and latex-free so they are body-safe. All vibrators on our site are rechargeable and most of them are even RoHS certified meaning none of their components contain metals that will further down the line contaminate our landfills.

Review: Je Joue Uma

Review: Je Joue Uma

What I’m about to say borders on the blasphemous. I never expected the Je Joue Uma to virtually usurp two of my favorite vibrators. In fact, I’m still trying to come to terms with it but I think I love the Uma more than my We-Vibe Tango and LELO Mona 2. I’ll wait and give you a moment for that to sink in. How in …Read more

Review: Fun Factory Delight

Review: Fun Factory Delight

The Fun Factory Delight confuses my vagina/vulva/clitoris. They don’t quite know what to make of it and frankly, neither do I. Fun Factory calls the Delight, “the Rolls Royce of vibrators”. Based on that analogy, I imagine trying to drive a Rolls is a bewildering experience that leaves you wondering: what’s it all for? I don’t get it. I really don’t. Is it supposed to …Read more



LELO isn’t a company that I promote anymore. I encourage you to read this before purchasing their products. The Swedish company, LELO makes some incredible sex toys, uhm… I mean, pleasure objects. Not the least of which is ELLA. She’s easily overlooked though because she has none of the whiz-bangs and do-dads that their other products have. But don’t dismiss her so easily. Sometimes, simplicity …Read more