
Tantus is one of my favorite sex toy companies. They are so committed to producing quality products that are safe for the body. Everything they make is nonporous, hypoallergenic and phthalates free. You never have to worry about what you’re putting into your body when you use Tantus sex toys. You might also be happy to know that their products are made in the USA.
Review: Tantus Alan

Review: Tantus Alan

Meet Alan, he’s related to Gary and he’s a pretty nice guy. There was quite the negative outpouring when Tantus released these dual density O2 toys. A lot of people just did not like the names. They said that toys shouldn’t be named after people or, they just didn’t like those particular names. It’s not like Tantus doesn’t’ already have other toys with the names …Read more

Review: Tantus Warm Up

Review: Tantus Warm Up

** The Tantus Warm-up has been discontinued ** It’s like a dildo, only smaller. Seriously, this thing is downright diminutive. When the package arrived at my doorstep I swore SheVibe must have sent the wrong product. Wondering what in the world they could have sent instead of what I requested, I cut open the box and peered in at it. That was it alright. I …Read more

Review: Tantus' The Duchess

Review: Tantus’ The Duchess

Much like its royal counterpart The Duke, Tantus’ The Duchess barges its way into my vagina like it owns the place. And once inside, it completely fills the room with its presence. The Duchess dominates my vagina and knows it. It’s a bit of a challenge to get The Duchess into my vagina, especially when I haven’t warmed up with something smaller first. Once in …Read more

Review: Tantus G-Spot

Review: Tantus G-Spot

** Sadly, Tantus has discontinued the G-Spot but I have a little secret for you. If you don’t mind the color black, you can still get this vibrating dildo only now, it’s called the P-Spot. ** I think Tantus’ G-Spot vibrating dildo is one of their most underrated toys. You don’t hear much about it and honestly, it didn’t really catch my attention but I’m …Read more

Review: Tantus Uncut #2

Review: Tantus Uncut #2

I have a confession to make. I’ve never actually seen an uncircumcised penis in the wild, only on the internet. I suppose as an American, that’s not so unusual. But that didn’t suppress my excitement when I was one of the first to get my hands on one of Tantus’ new Uncut dildos. I know I’m not the only one excited about them. Tantus unveiled …Read more