Dec 302013


I never thought I would like being spanked. Sure, dizzyguy gives me the playful swat on the ass with his hand now and then but smack me with a paddle? No, way. That’s kinky stuff, right? Well, leave it to Tantus to give me yet another way to enjoy myself in the bedroom. They sent me the new Plunge Paddle and quite honestly, I wasn’t all that interested in using or reviewing it. Dizzyguy and I joked around about it but being a big sissy when it comes to pain, I wasn’t exactly thrilled about trying it.

Then I started reading other reviews of it and it finally did pique my curiosity. The first thing I did was smack myself with it on the leg for a bit, getting a feel for just how hard I could swing it and still tolerate the pain. If you put some force behind it, you’re definitely going to feel quite a sting. I was chatting with a sex toy reviewer/blogger/twitter friend, who has much more experience in things like impact play and she advised me that dizzyguy should use it on himself first so he could get a feel for how hard to swing it. So, one evening I handed it over to him and told him to give himself a good whack with it. He was surprised by the amount of sting it produced. But this was beneficial because now, he knew how much force to use when he spanked me with it.

My first time being spanked with a paddle went surprisingly well. Dizzyguy started out really lightly, putting just a bit of wrist into it. I let out a squeal each time. With every smack he would try putting a little more force behind it and each time, I’d squeal a little louder. Eventually, he reached a point where it really stung and I told him that was about my limit but I did enjoy the sting. I just didn’t want him to go any harder than that. So, it was a lot of fun getting spanked with a paddle for the first time and to my surprise, it really seemed to get dizzyguy quite aroused.

Other reviewers have said that the Plunge Paddle isn’t good for beginners and I have to disagree. As total beginners ourselves, we had no problem using it. You just have to get a feel for how much force to apply and if you go really gently, you get just a small sting that’s not bad at all. On the other hand, I have heard that this paddle works quite well for the very experienced in impact play and it can deliver the pain that some desire.

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So, the Plunge Paddle sounds like a pretty cool silicone paddle, right? Well, it is but it’s even more than that. It’s a dildo too. That’s right, you can spank and penetrate with the same tool. Tantus fashioned the handle into the shape of a dildo. And as a dildo, it works fairly well. The head of it is slightly up-turned, giving mild G-spot stimulation. I personally, would like it more if it had more girth but I suppose it’s a nice average size for most people. The only problem with using the dildo-handle is that you’re holding it by the floppy paddle end and trying to thrust with it so, that’s a little awkward. But overall, I think the paddle-dildo hybrid concept is pretty cool.

I think Tantus created a really unique kind of sex toy by combining a paddle with a dildo-handle and I enjoy using it more as a paddle than a dildo. But there is one glaring problem. And the second I opened the box my eyes zeroed right in on it and I immediately thought: Tantus, you know better than this. The obvious flaw with the Plunge Paddle is that Tantus put a hole through the head of the dildo-handle. I assume the hole is for hanging purposes but it kind of ruins the dildo functioning of the handle. Well maybe it doesn’t completely ruin it but makes it a pain in the ass to clean properly.

Here you have this silicone paddle-dildo thing that ought to be easy to clean because it is made of silicone, after all. But then there’s that damn hole. How are you going to get all the body fluids, lube and if you use it anally, fecal matter out of that hole? Some have suggested pipe cleaners but I haven’t tried it. And who wants to buy pipe cleaners for the sole purpose of cleaning their Plunge Paddle? You can’t get the bristles of a toothbrush down in there to scrub the gunk out. plungethwack

So, how do I clean it? Oddly enough, I already had the perfect little round brushes that fit right down into and through that hole. These are little brushes I use to clean the ports of my hummingbird feeders so, I don’t expect the average person to have these lying around.  You could always put a condom over the dildo-handle if you didn’t want to mess around with all of that fiddly cleaning.  If you’re not all that interested in using it as a dildo then it really does make a fine paddle but I wonder if it might make more sense to purchase the Thwack paddle for about $10 less if you aren’t interested in having the dildo-handle.

The Plunge Paddle is made of Tantus’ premium silicone so it is easy to clean (except that stupid hole). Antibacterial soap and water is perfect for cleaning it unless you need to sanitize it in which case, you could bathe it in a 10% bleach solution. You could also boil it for a few minutes if, you have a pot large enough that the paddle doesn’t touch the sides or bottom. If you’re going to use lube with the dildo-handle, it’s probably best to use water-based lube because some silicone lube can damage some silicone toys. However, it is possible to use them together and I have done so successfully with Tantus products but it always requires a spot test to confirm compatibility.

The Plunge Paddle is 13” long overall. The paddle portion is about 6.5” long, 3.13” wide and .25” thick. The dildo-handle is 6.5” long. The head is 1.31” in diameter and the shaft is 1” in diameter. It comes only in one color, black.

Due to the hole in the dildo-handle the Plunge Paddle makes a better paddle than dildo but you could always put a condom over it when you want to use it as a dildo.  I think the Plunge Paddle can deliver the bite that those experienced in impact play desire. But it’s also perfectly fine for beginners who can use it more gently to deliver an exhilarating little sting. I didn’t think we would enjoy it but it really has given us a whole new way to have fun in the bedroom.


Tantus provided the Plunge Paddle in exchange for my unbiased review.


  16 Responses to “Review: Tantus Plunge Paddle”

  1. It’s official. I need this. I won’t have anyone to use it on, but I can practice my technique and raise my pain tolerance.
    Plus, I realized today that a paddle would make a damn good weapon. *grins*

    • definitely still worth it – I use this paddle on myself all the time! Sometimes I just randomly pick it up when I’m walking by my toy shelf and give myself a few whacks. I get a little nervous about my partner using it on me in fear that he will accidentally go a little harder than I want at the moment. There’s definitely a fine line between perfect and too much with this one. That’s also what makes it great though – so versatile. It’s a really fun toy, highly recommend it!

  2. Ah! I kind of avoided using it too… Now that you say it, I think I’ll shove it in my bag tomorrow and let my partner try it on me XD. I was kind of scared – It looked a little painful to use.

    • It’s not bad if you go gently. Have him use it on his own leg a little bit first. Then when he uses it on you, tell him to start light and he can gradually put a little more force until you reach a point where it stings but you still like it. Dizzyguy just uses a flick of his wrist. Your partner shouldn’t be winding up and putting their arm into it at all.

  3. Interesting. I like that you gave it a shot and found out that you actually like it. I don’t know myself if I would enjoy that kind of sensation. I’ve never been smacked during sex, just in play outside of it. And it varies from feeling good to just getting annoyed (he teases me a lot when I’m not in the mood for it, so a smack on the rear is not very appealing at the time).

  4. Glad that you gave it a go and that you like it. I still have yet to use mine, wish I had a partner but camming I can use it anytime with members so it works out well. Sometimes we just have to try new things to see if we like them or not.

  5. I’m a big sissy when it comes to pain, too. I’m ticklish all over, and everything about me – including emotionally – is sensitive. I like it when my fiance swats me on the ass with his hand, and he has even spanked me over his knee, but we’ve never tried spanking seriously as a form of foreplay or anything like that. He’s always playful about it.

    I am curious about riding crops. The Fashionistas one with the glass handle has been on my Wish List for months, and I even want to try a pair of spanking and soothing creams. I have a cheap cat-o’-nine-tails that was a free gift with his Fleshlight, but we’ve never used it. Spanking is definitely something I want to explore more deeply in 2014.

  6. I’m so glad you were able to use this paddle as a beginner to spanking because I’m a noob myself and I really want to use the Pelt paddle. I’ll definitely get my guy to try it on himself first and use the wrist-flick-trick. Thanks!

  7. I love this thing. I never would have thought of something like this, but it works out well. The only thing is that the double-duty can get a little messy when going between fucking and spanking. I was AMAZED at how awesome it is for g-spot stim though.

  8. I love my paddle as well. I kinda get the whole. I mean it allows you to loop some string around it, so you can hang it, but for me – I’d rather it not have it as well.

    I’m surprised that you like this as the newbie. Spanking can be amazing.

  9. i had the same response when I looked at mine – why the hole?

  10. I think a good rule for all kink play (or BDSM) is not to do onto others
    until you have done onto yourself, or had done onto you. Having a
    better understanding of what your partner feels, and is going through, makes for a better time all around.

    That hole would bother me. I dislike toys what seem to come with dirt traps; holes, ridges, bumps, and seams that appear to exist solely to make things more difficult to clean.
    I have the Thwack and I looooove it. It’s such a lovely weight, and makes a lovely noise. I’m not sure about a impact toy/dildo combo… it’s an interesting idea… I guess.

  11. I’d get one if the hole were in the middle between the paddle and the handle.

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