Jul 302013
Thank you to John D Stories for TMI Tuesday today. He had this to say about his inspiration for this week’s questions: I was stuck behind a caravan with an interesting thing painted on the back . . .



1. Do you believe in marriage?
Yeah, sure.  It might not be right for everyone but it works for me.  We actually lived together for about 10 years (I think) and bought a house together before we got married.

2. Have you ever proposed marriage or been proposed to marry? What happened?
Well, it was a typical day…nothing special happening.  We had already lived together for around 10 years, bought and sold one house, bought two parcels of land together and was in the process of building our new home on one of them, when I turned to dizzyguy and said “So, you think it’s about time we got married?”  He said, “Sure, why not.”  So we eloped and had a simple little ceremony in a log cabin chapel.

3. What would be your dream way of proposing marriage?
Sometimes I think it would have been nice to have the fairy tale proposal with the one knee and all that but that’s just not how we are.

4. What would be your nightmarish way of proposing marriage?
I don’t know… in an email or over the phone would probably suck.

5. Mainstream society has engagement rings; in your opinion, what token should be given to signify engagement?
I think the ring is nice but too much emphasis is put on how much it costs and diamonds and crap. I never had an engagement ring and was fine with it. We had better, more important things to spend money on…like building our dream home. When we got married I had titanium bands made. They are understated and a perfect symbol of our union…. strong, durable, practical.

6. What do you think would have happened to cause someone to have “Will you marry me?” on the back of their caravan?
If they lived in the US, I would say they’re in dire need of health insurance.

Bonus: Tell us about someone you would have proposed to but never had the chance/opportunity.
There has been no one else in my life that I wanted to marry besides dizzyguy.


  7 Responses to “TMI Tuesday: Will You Marry Me?”

  1. #6 – LOL! You may not be that far from the truth. 🙂

    • I know that at least in a small way, it contributed to our decisions because we had gotten along fine for so long not being married. But I have health issues that need to be addressed and I lived without health insurance for so long just hoping that my issues never got severe enough to need medical care. No one should have to live like that.

  2. Your answer to #5 is perfect! I agree so much! The expenses for building a life together are more important than a ring on your finger.

    • Well yeah, you see some girl with a big flashy rock on her hand and they’re probably in debt to their eyeballs without a pot to piss in. No thanks.

  3. I like the answer to #5. Because I was a student, I spent one month’s salary on the ring and this was £250 ($350-400); not excessive but it still means the same as one that cost thousands. I like the idea of titanium rings though. 😉

    • The titanium has a look resembling platinum…that kind of color metal. Not intensely shiny like silver. It’s more durable that gold or silver. You don’t have to baby it or worry about what you’re exposing it to. I like my ring. I told dizzyguy he didn’t have to wear his. In his line of work, it could be dangerous to wear a ring.

  4. IMO your proposal was just as romantic as any big gesture ones we’ve heard of.

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