Jun 152015
Review: Penchant Premium Lube

I was completely shocked by how much I like Penchant Premium lube. In fact, dizzyguy and I both love it. Now I know I blather on and on about our favorite go-to silicone-based lube and how nothing else has quite measured up to it. It was a total surprise to both of us that this one does. I didn’t expect much because honestly, it’s a …Read more

Jun 012015
Review: PicoBong Transformer

In trying to create a sex toy that can be used by everyone, PicoBong made a sex toy that is useful to no one. What exactly is the PicoBong Transformer? Well, it’s sort of a bendy thing with a vibrator on each end. You’re supposed to be able to do all sorts of wild and crazy things with it, no matter your gender or sexual …Read more

May 182015
Review: Sliquid Silver

If you’ve read my blog long enough, you probably know that dizzyguy and I are obsessed with a certain brand of silicone-based lube. We’ve tried others and none of them have measured up to our favorite – Wet Platinum. But now, I’ve found one that comes really damn close. Like a gnat’s whisker close to being as good as our favorite. In fact, if the …Read more

May 112015
Review: Loveo Ione

Want the tl;dr? I’m not really excited about the Loveo Ione. That’s probably putting it too mildly. It doesn’t make me seethe with anger. There’s just not much I like about it. Not much at all. You now have permission to go back to whatever you were doing but if you’d like to know why this vibe bores me, keep reading. What is it about …Read more

May 102015
I Have a Real Neat Blog?

Beck from Beck and Her Kinks nominated me for the Real Neat Blog Award. I appreciate that so much because I’m still surprised when I get compliments from other bloggers. I am my own worst critic and I guess when I get recognition from them, it gives me more confidence. So, thank you Beck. 1. What was the reason you decided to start blogging? Has …Read more

 Posted by at 10:49 am