May 102015

real-neat-blog-award-500x300-300x180-300x180Beck from Beck and Her Kinks nominated me for the Real Neat Blog Award. I appreciate that so much because I’m still surprised when I get compliments from other bloggers. I am my own worst critic and I guess when I get recognition from them, it gives me more confidence. So, thank you Beck.

1. What was the reason you decided to start blogging? Has that reason changed throughout time?

I started researching sex toys when I was looking for things that might help with my anorgasmia. That led me to a retailer that had a review program and I thought it would be fun to write reviews too. It didn’t take long for me to become frustrated by the constraints of their program and publishing reviews on their site. So, after discovering some other great sex toy review blogs, I decided I wanted to have total control over everything and my blog was born.

2. Are there other bloggers whose work has given you inspiration? If so, share with us the post and their post that gave you inspiration.

I wouldn’t say that there are specific posts that were inspired by other bloggers but I have been inspired by them in general terms. I like to read the reviews of others to get different perspectives and sometimes, it reminds me to include details in my reviews that I may have forgotten. Some of my favorite blogs, that I draw inspiration from, are in my sidebar to the right. Definitely check them out.

3. If there was one question you could ask your favorite blogger what would it be?

I guess I’d ask them how I could improve on my writing. I often read other blogs and I feel like their writing style is so much more creative and entertaining than my own. Sometimes, I wish that I had the talent that they have. But then, we all have our own style and I like to think that my reviews are informative and entertaining in their own way.

4. Did you ever see yourself as a ______ blogger? (The blank is for whatever label you give your blog. Sex, kink, dating, etc.)

I never imagined I would be doing this. It wasn’t even on my radar. Sex toys really weren’t a part of my life until a couple of years ago, when I started this blog. When I develop an interest in something, I tend to latch on and run with it. I think that’s what happened here.

5. What website on the entire web, besides your own, do you spend the most time on?

I probably spend the most time on Twitter, using TweetDeck. From there I can stay up to date on my favorite bloggers and go check out their posts/reviews when they promote them there.

6. Gotta ask one toy question. Name your absolute favorite sex toy. (More than one is fine.)

I think that changes back and forth between a few sometimes. I have several that I really love. For the mood I’ve been in lately, I’d have to go with the We-Vibe Touch. And if I could pick just one more for internal stimulation it would be the Njoy Pure Wand.

7. Last one is just for fun. Who is your favorite superhero and why?

I have to say, I never really was interested in comic books and superheros. I do remember reading a book when I was young, about a girl who had telekinesis. I thought it would be the best thing ever if I could do that.

So how this works is, I’m supposed to nominate 7 other blogs for the Real Neat Blog award and they are asked to answer these questions. Then they choose another 7 blogs for the award and can ask these question or their own.
My nominations are:

 Posted by at 10:49 am