Dec 102014

It’s no secret that behemoth sex toy manufacturer Pipedream is not well liked in the blogging community. Everyone has their reasons but they mostly center around some of their products which I would classify as sleazy. It’s true, they have some products that I don’t agree with and some of their marketing offends me but I know that not all my readers can afford the really expensive luxury sex toys so, I thought their ceramic, glass and aluminum toys were good options to fill that need.

Pipedream approached me fairly early on in my reviewing career about purchasing ad space on my blog. I was a bit naive back then and didn’t know a lot about their misogynistic and racist marketing but as time went on, it started to become clear to me that they just didn’t align with the spirit of my blog.grosspuke

Now, their latest stunt is the final straw. You probably heard about actress, and star of The Hunger Games, Jennifer Lawrence having her private account hacked and her nude photos stolen and circulated across the internet. This was a gross violation of her privacy but Pipedream saw an opportunity to profit from this heinous act. Behold, the J-Law sex doll. On the packaging they have a look-alike model, complete with bow and arrow. Then there’s the look-alike posing for selfies that are supposed to represent the nude photos that were stolen. In the product description they poke fun at the fact that her photos were “leaked”.

We’re not sure what came faster, news of J-Laws leaked selfies or the thousands of guys waiting for this day to finally come! She did the world a favor when her sexy selfies spread across the internet, and now Hollywood’s honey is getting naked for the money! If hacked cell phone pics weren’t enough to make J-Law our favorite new selfie slut, her brand new blowup doll is proof that this blockbuster babe is ready for primetime penetration! Just add air and this American hustler transforms into America’s hooker right before your eyes! There’s no silver lining to her 3 love holes, but if you add a little lube they feel great wrapping around every inch of your pleasure rod! Her cloud got hacked so you can get jacked!1

Do you feel like you need a long hot shower after reading that?

Based on her statement in Vanity Fair, I think it’s safe to say that she did not give her consent on the product and it’s like she’s being violated all over again.

It is not a scandal. It is a sex crime. It is a sexual violation. It’s disgusting. The law needs to be changed, and we need to change. That’s why these Web sites are responsible. Just the fact that somebody can be sexually exploited and violated, and the first thought that crosses somebody’s mind is to make a profit from it. It’s so beyond me.

So, today I sent Pipedream this email; expressing my disgust for the sex doll and its marketing. I no longer wanted their paid ad on my sidebar so, I’ve offered to refund the balance of what they paid. Then I removed the banner. I just could not overlook their offensive products anymore.

There are still a few reviews of Pipedream products on this blog. Some were sponsored by Pipedream and others by retailers. I actually like their ceramic dildos but I don’t think I can really recommend them based on the company’s behavior. It’s really up to the individual as to whether or not they will purchase Pipedream’s products but if you find all of this as offensive and distasteful as I do, you won’t. And that makes it just that much harder for me to find more affordable options that I can recommend but I can’t in good conscience continue supporting them.

There has been a huge backlash in the blogging community over this2. I just wanted to add my voice to the conversation.

 Posted by at 3:20 pm