Feb 192014


Talk about procrastinating. It’s taken me so long to get around to writing this review. I guess the problem is that the Pipedream Icicles No. 29 didn’t leave a lasting impression on me one way or the other. Often when I feel this uninspired to write, it’s because I feel that way about the toy. Add to that the fact that my vagina is fickle about texture so, I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel about the 29’s swirly ridges.

Turns out, my vagina doesn’t care much for the texture of the No. 29. It’s not uncomfortable or anything, it just doesn’t do it for me. The texture feels pretty intense but in a way that I really don’t care for. I like nice rounded contours, subtle textures and long walks on the beach. The 29’s ridges feel more edgy, like kind of sharp but not in a painful way. It just feels irritating to me. This leads me to the realization that not all ribs are created equal because I really enjoy the Tantus Purr with its ribs but those are more subtle and feel like a massage.


Other than the fact that my vagina disapproves of it, I think the No. 29 is a pretty good glass dildo. It feels well made and it is beautiful. It has a gentle curve and a slightly bulbous head that provides some nice G-spot stimulation. Since it is glass, I can apply the strong pressure against my G-spot that I prefer. It’s just the texture that doesn’t agree with me. I really could have gone for more girth but with the ridges, that probably would have felt overwhelming. I think if you’re a texture lover, you’ll really like this dildo. It just wasn’t for me.

Since this dildo is glass, you’ll have very little to worry about. It is hypoallergenic, nonporous and phthalates free. This means it’s easy to keep clean. You can wash it in antibacterial soap and water, use a toy cleaner or, to sanitize it you can use a 10% bleach solution. Some people boil their glass toys for a few minutes to sanitize them and that’s fine if they are made of borosilicate glass (this one is) but some small artisanal glass sex toy manufacturer’s are using soda-lime glass and those shouldn’t be boiled. About the only thing you have to be careful of with glass is chipping or cracking it if you drop it. You should probably inspect your glass sex toys for damage prior to every use.

If you’re into temperature play then you’ll enjoy this dildo, and glass dildos in general. They retain temperature quite well and you can heat this dildo up in warm water or cool it down in cold water. You have the freedom to use any kind of lubricant you like with glass. It doesn’t matter, they’re all compatible and you’ll find that you need very little to keep things slippery.


The No. 29 is 8” long and 7.5” are insertable. The head is 1.4” in diameter and the shaft is 1.1”. This dildo does have a slightly flared base but at only 1.5” wide, I personally don’t think it would be safe for anal use. The 29 does not come with a storage pouch but there is a large chunk of foam that holds it securely in the box.

The Icicles No. 29 is a beautiful glass dildo that I think texture lovers will really like. It just wasn’t the right kind of texture for me. I really never do know if I’m going to like a particular texture until I try it and this time, my vagina just didn’t approve. I think it is a good solid glass dildo and would be a great buy for someone who can appreciate the sensation of its ridges.

Update: Before you consider buying Pipedream products, please take a moment to read this.

Pipedream provided the Icicles No. 29 in exchange for an unbiased review.

  6 Responses to “Review: Pipedream Icicles No. 29”

  1. That is a big chunk of foam 0.0 Methinks I’d like the Purr better as well; I think these ribs would make me sore if I thrusted too fast.

  2. I know what you mean about not writing on something I have done it too. I had got this and gave it to a friend I am glad I did I probably feel the same as you knowing I have other glass pieces that I really enjoy.

  3. Oh I have this but I’m returning it this week, I felt really ‘meh’ about it too! It really doesn’t leave much of an impression.

  4. Awww. I thought that twisting would give unique sensations! I hate boring toys…=( Life is too short for boring things.

  5. What is this place?

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